Coordinator’s Message – Dr Anthony-Claret Onwutalobi
Good day! It is with great pleasure that I write this message on behalf of the Codewit Global Network community. Our movement comprises a dynamic group of Africans and Non-Africans who undertake various activities to establish functional literate communities in Africa to bridge the gap between poverty and prosperity.
The launching of our website is a product of the collaborated effort of our members pooling together their talent, energy, resources and sweat to enrich the public with Africa’s enormous blessings and challenges. We try to showcase the aspirations, successes and concerns of Africa and Africans in Diaspora.
We recognize that there is a flow from the homeland to the Asian and western world as well as flows back home. We strive to reflect these crosscurrents through feature stories and profiles emphasizing our successes and strengths in countering the weakness of the media.
Codewit Global Network strives to maintain a holistic view of African people. It is our mission to emphasize the multi-dimensionality of African culture, business, fashion, entertainment, artistry and other forms of self expressions.
As the world moves on amidst the rapid growth of the information technology revolution, which is the driving force of globalisation, we are given the Real Power to Change the Status Quo – in fostering the ability to lead in African youth to empower them to fully participate in their society.
we also use this medium to share the struggle of our continent and communicate our ideology to African elites as we strongly believe that as big as our problems are that the only true solution must come from us Africans.Therefore, we need you to form a great coalition in order to solve our African problems.
As you can agree with me that, In all societies around the world, students who attend universities are a relatively privileged segment. After all, having the time and resources to acquire knowledge and to study and think critically about issues are, unfortunately, privileges in the world today. Privileged status brings a choice: how will a person use these privileges? Will the privileges be used to advance oneself economically and socially, even if it means ignoring oppression and destruction all around and perhaps even helping to perpetuate these conditions? Or will a person use privileges to confront and eliminate the conditions of oppression and destruction? For us, we have seriously pondered these questions and have consciously decided to use our resources, time, and talents to confront social problems.
what about you? are you willing to live and fight for a cause greater than themselves. We must restore hope again to the millions of suffering Africans. There is no change without self sacrifice; We must stand up today for the destiny of our children; we must be the generation that stood up for what is right. Your question should not be how many people are willing?, rather it should be: am I willing?
But let us not be disturbed, the truth is that the Africa of hope is emerging like the warming rays of the sun on a cold winter’s day, ready to envelop us with its warmth. This Africa of hope challenges us to be warriors of her renaissance. This challenge is borne everyday by Africans in their peasant associations, civic movement and through our network which strives to be a leading lifestyle publication -informing, educating, entertaining, validating and celebrating our culture, our voices and vision.
I take this opportunity to thank our guests and members, contributors and those who are putting in their time and effort to ensure that we explore the unlimited opportunities of our great continent.
We will forever be indebted to our continent and its people.
Thank you and God bless
Anthony Claret
Global Coordinator