

We the members of Codewit Global Network ,Having firmly and solemnly resolve, to exist in unity and harmony as one indivisible and reputable organization under Codewit Global Network, dedicated to the promotion of  African solidarity, member cooperation and appreciation and promotion of African cultural values.

And to provide for a constitution for the purpose of promoting the good government and welfare of all her members, on the principles of freedom, equality and justice, and for the purpose of consolidating the unity of our association in Finland.

Do hereby make, enact and give to ourselves the following constitution:

1. Name

The name of the association shall be Codewit Global Network. The association is domiciled     in Helsinki, Finland.

1.1. Status of the association
Codewit global network, has the status of legal person and is subject to the jurisdiction and protection of the laws of Finland. All of its activities shall be governed by the Finnish laws, in accordance with the laws and regulations concerning the registration of an association.

1.2. Language
The meeting shall have English as its language of deliberation.

2. Purpose and activities

The purpose of the association is to establish functional literate communities in Africa to bridge the gap between poverty and prosperity and to look after the general and common interest of Africans, particularly Nigerians in Finland. With regards to their social welfare, and educational aspirations in order to facilitate contacts and promote cultural interactions and understanding among members.

2.1. To realize its purpose the association can:

  • Arrange meetings, festivities,lectures, educational events and other similar activities.
  • Distribute literature and other materials on and about Africa.
  • To provide training to Nigerian youths in diaspora.
  • Participate in the activities by organizing shows.
  • Publish its own newsletter, journals, guides, surveys
  • Co-operate wit others with the same interests and maintain contact with other associations in the field.
  • To engage in fostering the ability to lead in youth to empower them to fully participate in society.
  • Promoting African businesses and investment programmes.
  • Discuss African issues from an African perspective, without the filter and bias of mainstream media.
  • Create a forum for network among Africans of every background.
  • Discouraging acrimony among Africans and to promote the spirit of togetherness and brotherhood, through social and cultural interaction.

2.2. In order to support its activities, the association can

  • Receive support, contributions and legacies.
  • Organize fund raising after having obtained the appropriate license.
  • Own moveable and immovable property necessary for its activities.
  • Organize concerts, music and other cultural events that are subject to a charge.

3. Membership

  • The membership of Codewit Global Network shall be open to all Africans resident in    Finland.
  • Membership can also be extended to persons or individuals who share the same vision and philosophy of the association. Such membership can only be in the capacity of an observatory status without voting rights, and with minimum benefits as will be agreed upon by the decision of the members in a general meeting.

    3.1. Registration

    Intending members must duly fill in the required membership form to express his/her willingness to joining the association. A member is required to his/her registration fee, as  well as other dues, like monthly/annual dues, or any other dues approved by the general assembly.At the payment of the registration fee, the member is given our guiding code of conduct (constitution) and a pin number (password) for access to our website privileged member pages

    3.2. Membership dues

    Registration and yearly membership shall be decided during the association annual meeting, registration fee is paid once, while annual due varies from year to year as may be accepted by the majority during the general assembly. Annual due can paid either in whole, or installment basis as may be desired by such member, but shall be completed by mid year of the accounting period. If for some reason(s) where a member cannot meet up the deadline, and supported with adequate explanation to the executive board, such member may be granted an extension of not more than two months to complete such dues.

    3.3. Other Dues

    Members of the association are obliged to honour other dues generally accepted by the house, which for some reasons, are deemed necessary for the execution of unforeseen duties which may arise from time to time. Donations are also welcomed for the support of projects or related issues of interest.

    3.4. Non-Financial member

    A member shall be considered to be inactive/non-financial member of the association if he  or she has not paid the membership fees or other dues within one year after the expiry date.

    3.5. Resignation/Termination of Membership

    A member either with full membership or with full membership, had the right to resign his or her membership, such member can do so by informing the executive committee, or by announcing his/her resignation at the general meeting. Such resignation can also be put in writing and shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

    3.6. Dismissal/Suspension/Expulsion:

    The executive board reserves the right to dismiss a member from the association, or its activities if he/she has left his or her obligations, such as annual dues unpaid for a period of over two calendar years after payment deadline, or if he or she do not fulfill the obligations that he or she is bound as a member when joining the association, or if or she by his or actions within the association or in the public place, greatly damages the reputation or image of the association by one way or the other, as can be verified or established, either by evidence or by facts and not by ”hearsay”, or if he or she no longer meets the requirements or membership without convincing arguments or reasons, as laid down in the rules and regulations of the association.

    A member may be suspended or expelled on account of poor behavior or for not abiding by  the rules of the association. The decision to expel or suspend a member shall rest on the majority's resolution during the association's meeting.

    3.7. Right to Appeal:

    A dismissed member has a right to appeal, and can do so by writing to the general assembly. In hearing such an appeal, the meeting shall elect or appoint a board to re-investigate his or her case and make due and unbiased recommendations. The dismissed member shall be present to hear his or her verdict, and where he or she can not be present for reasons beyond his or her control, he or she shall put in writing he or her grievances, and in his or her absence, he or she can appoint a member of the association of his or her choice to stand on his or her behalf.

    3.8. Re-admittance of Ex-member:

    Dismissed or suspended member of the association, who after due consideration given another opportunity may be re-admitted to the Codewit Global Network. Such member must have demonstrated his or her change in behavior through an open statement to the general house, or must have fulfilled those obligations required by him or her.

    4. Meetings and Invitation to Meetings

    The association shall have at least 12 meetings in a calendar year, (i.e. Every month) unless otherwise directed by the Executive Board or Emergency meeting called or “unofficially” requested by any member of the association due to ceremonial reasons, grief or other reasons due to unforeseen circumstances. Such meeting request shall be honored by the members of the association.

    4.1. Invitations:

    The association Secretary or any other person in charge shall send meeting circular to registered members either in writing (e.g Snail mail, email), by text messages or phone calls two weeks before such general meeting. Agenda for meetings shall be attached when sending a circular.

    Any member of the association with good article for discussion may send such topic to the Executive committee to be added in the agenda for deliberations during the meeting.

    Emergency meetings or any other form of meetings requiring urgency can be communicated through SMS messages or email without long time notice as the case maybe.

    4.2. End of the year Meeting:
    In the association's end of the year meeting, the following matters shall be handled:

    1. Chairman's opening of the meeting and of the year report
    2. Financial Secretary end of the year report.
    3. Auditors report to the general house
    4. In case whereby there was an election of new board, such elected officers shall resume offices by the next calendar year (January).
    5. The Union shall have a Christmas Party (Pikku Joulu).

    5. Voting and Voting Rights:

    • At the association meeting, every financial member has the right to vie for position or vote.
    • Each member is entitled to vote.
    • Decision shall be made, if not ordered otherwise in this constitution, by the simple majority rule.
    • In case where votes are tied during the association's election, this shall be resolved by lot.

      5.1. Executive Board:

      The Association activities shall be directed by the Executive board which is elected bi-annually.

      The Executive board shall be made up of:

      1. The Chairman
      2. The Vice Chairman
      3. Secretary
      4. Financial Secretary
      5. Public Relations Officer
      6. Editor
      7. Director of Socials

      5.1.1. The Chairman:

      The affairs of the Association shall be headed by the Chairman. The Association's Chairman shall posses the quality of good leadership.

      • He or she will be able to take control able to take control and co-ordinate other members of the Executive as well as the general house.
      • He or she shall be focused, organized, be able to run the affairs of the Association without fear or favour.
      • He chairs the Executive board as well as the general Though he reserves the right to appoint any member of the house to chair any gathering.

      5.1.2. The Vice Chairman:

      • In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall deputise and carry out duties in place of the Chairman, as it deems fit.
      • In absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall call for an executive meeting or general meeting when he/she consider it necessary or when any other member of the executive demand so

      5.1.3. Secretary:

      • The Association Secretary shall be responsible for the writing of minutes of all meeting whether on Executive or in a General Assembly level.
      • He or she shall keep and maintain all official records concerning the Association.
      • He or she shall be conversant with the rules at all time and read or interpret such rule when the need arises.
      • The Secretary will summon meetings meetings or gatherings of any such with directives coming from the chairman or other authority. In the absence of the Chairman the Secretary takes the podium to chair the meeting.
      • In absence of the Secretary, the Financial Secretary will act in taking the minutes of the meeting. The Secretary will be a committed member as he or she is the eye of the Association. The success of the Association largely rests on the input of the Secretary.

      5.1.4 Financial Secretary:

      • The financial activities of the Association shall be recorded and saved by the Financial Secretary.
      • He or she shall in addition be the treasurer for the Association.
      • He or she shall be able to maintain a good record book, where all financial matters are entered for reference purposes when needed.
      • He or she shall as well keep receipts of all purchases, record all dues received, payments made as well as fines collected, or any other monies received or levied for whatever purpose(s).
      • He or she shall be accountable to the Chairman on the financial position of the Association.
      • He or she shall be able to present to the house at any meeting the financial statement of the Association. Three weeks to the end of the years general meeting, the Financial Secretary should prepare his record book for the Auditor for clarifications.

      5.1.5. Public Relations Officer:

      • The Public Relations Officer shall use all forms of media and communication to build, maintain and manage the reputation of the Association.
      • He or she communicate key messages, often using third party endorsements to defined target audiences in order to establish and maintain goodwill and understanding between the Association and the public.
      • He or she shall monitor publicity and conduct research to find out the concerns and expectations the Association's stakeholders.
      • He or she shall then report and explain the findings to the Association.
      • He or she shall be involved in fostering community relations through events such as open days and through involvement in community initiatives.

      5.1.6 Editor:
      The following duties shall be delegated to the Editor of the Association.

      • Maintaining contact with authors about the status of their submissions.
      • Final editing of all accepted articles and requesting final approval from authors.
      • Maintaining the editorial board mailing list.
      • Accepting articles from authors to be published on the Association's website.

      5.1.7. Director of Socials:

      • Whenever the Association engages in any kind of social performance/activities
      • He or she shall be in charge of all social activities of the Association.
      • He or she shall head the committee for various duties assigned to them, such events like parties, refreshment during meetings and any other kind of social event.
      • He or she shall keep good account of material or items meant for the association.

      6. Quorum:

      The quorum for each meeting shall be one third majority of the active members whereas the quorum for general election will be two-third majority of active members.

      7. Election of Officers:

      7.1. Election

      • Election of officers will be done by nomination and volunteering and balloting.
      • To be  valid, each nomination and/or volunteering shall be seconded by a voting member.
      • The contestant with the majority vote is elected. Elections will be held during the general meeting and must be announced to members one month before the date.
      • Results must be announced the same day

      7.2. Majority
      All officers, including the president shall be elected with the popular vote of a simple majority

      7.3 Candidates

      • At least one candidate shall be nominated for a single post to be filled during the elections.
      • Members in good standing shall have the privilege of presenting additional nominations.
      • Candidates for the various offices shall be given the opportunity to make a 5 minute presentation to the general body

      7.4 Election Result

      • Election Results must be announced the same day after a careful counting with two observers present.
      • The election result must be binding as the will of the people except the elected candidate reject the position he or she is elected for

      7.5 Eligibility

      • All candidates for executive posts shall be in good standing.
      • He or she must also be an active participant in the association’s activities.
      • He or she must have the interest and goodwill of the union at heart and must always protect the interest of the union against all odds.

      7.6 Electoral Committee

      • An electoral committee of three (3) members will be nominated and approved by the general assembly during the August meeting and dissolved immediately after swearing-in.
      • The committee members will be ineligible to vote and will be charged with:
      • Conducting and supervising the elections
      • Overseeing the handover
      • Swearing in the elected officers (by the chairman of the committee or any other member of the committee in case of the chairman’s absence)

      7.7. Remuneration
      The officers will not receive any compensation for their services. However, each officer or member shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary out-of-pocket  expenses in the performance of his/her official duties with a prove by receipt or other means

      7.8. Leaving office before the expiration of term
      An elected officer wishing to leave office before the end of his/her term of office shall notify the president in writing at least thirty (30) days before departure. Emergency situations are exceptions. A member who resigns from an office without   following the guidelines stated above, and wishing to continue his/her membership with the association, shall pay a fine of twenty euro (20.00e)

      7.9. Handover

      • An officer leaving a post shall meet with the new officer and complete handing over documents no later than one week before the swearing-in ceremony
      • Swearing-in Ceremony (Installation ceremony)
      • Incoming officers will be sworn-in during the first meeting of the New Year by the existing executives and the chairman of the electoral committee in an official manner

      7.10. Signatories:

      The Chairman, the Secretary and the Financial Secretary are entitled to the Association's account signatory. At least two out of the three can make a withdrawal on behalf of the association.

      8. Accounting and Auditing:

      • The Association's audit period is one calendar year.
      • Balanced accounts with required documents and an annual report of the executive committee shall be submitted to the auditors at least three weeks before the end of the years meeting.
      • The auditors shall give their written report to the general house on the last meeting of the calendar year.

      9. Office and Records

      Principal Office
      The principal office of the organization shall be located at the domicile address of the general secretary in ………………until such a time when a permanent location is determined and established by the executive board, and approved by the general membership

      9.1 Records
      The organization shall keep and maintain, correct and complete books, records of accounts and minutes of the proceedings of the general meeting and executive board meetings. The organization shall maintain at its registered office and principal office a record of names, addresses and telephone numbers of the members and copies circulated to all members by the secretary.

      9.2 Official Correspondences
      All official correspondences to the organization shall be directed to the general secretary of the organization

      9.3 Seal
      The executive board shall adopt, and may alter with approval from the general body, a corporate seal, which shall be circular in form and have inscribed thereon the name of the organization

      9.4 Fiscal Year
      The fiscal year of the organization shall commence on January 1 and run through December 31 of each year

      10. Amendments:

      These constitutions may be altered or amended in whole or in part by a vote of two-third (2/3) of the voting members present in person at any General meeting provided the notice of the meeting at which such action is proposed shall be given to each voting member in person, or by mail, postage pre-paid or through phone at least  thirty (30) days prior but not more than forty-five (45) days before the meeting is held