What We Do

As a non-profit organization, Codewit Global Network pursues its mission by partnering with community-based organizations (CBOs), associations, and cooperatives worldwide that integrate their commitment to community development – specifically, improvements in education, health, youth empowerment and Women’s rights, and employment opportunities with socially responsible income-generating enterprises. CGN provides its partners with direct access to new markets in Nigeria, increasing both their revenue and global awareness of their work. :

•Provides technical assistance to promote the long-term success of its partners’ income-generating and community-development work, with the goal of achieving financial stability

•Supports community-based initiatives for meaningful learning, improved healthcare, equal participation of women in society, and safe and fair employment;

•Offers individuals, schools, organizations, and companies in Nigeria easy and engaging ways to learn about global issues, promote social justice, and improve lives around the world;

•Offers schools and nonprofit organizations innovative fundraising programs to generate funds for their operations.

Community-Based Organizations
The majority of Codewit Global Network’s partners maintain a strong focus on the well-being of women, and in many cases are also founded, led, and managed by women. Examples of their programs include:

•Literacy programs for women

•Health care and education for families and children

•Activities to address women’s rights and gender equality

•Business training and microenterprise development

•Educational support for school-going children

•Early childhood development

•Leadership training and advocacy